When you know what you love, you find your passion. When you do what you love, your find your purpose. Wise words from @the.gentleman.wolf, one of my guiding lights. Leading Yoga Journeys and inspiring everyone that practice yoga to fall in love with the alchemical process of embodying and embracing all parts of the self is my passion and purpose. Yoga is a practice lead by the Sun and Moon that turn the spot light on the path of karma and wash away the debris of the past, so we may live this moment based on the present. …..#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogapractice #yogalove #yogalover #yoga #yogatime #yogatravel #yogateacher #yogalife #yogagirl #yogini #yogisofinstagram #yogainspiration #yogalifestyle #yogagram #instayoga #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogainstructor #yogadaily #yogaretreat #yogajourney #yogi #yoginisofinstagram #yogaeverydamnday #yogafam #yogacommunity #namaste #om