What is your heart's desire? On the Yoga Journey to #havasu supported by the presence of the ancient and grand #grandcanyon and the crystal clear aquamarine waterfalls the psyche split open as fully as this grace filled #hanumanasana by Joni Dittrich. When the mind is open to perceive the message of the heart, humans are unstoppable in the pursuit of purpose and heartfelt, meaningful lives. www.yoga-journeys.com#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #yogatransformation #yogaretreat #yogadaily #yogatravel #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #hanumanasana #yogachallenge #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #nature #yogasoul #yogalife #yogalifestyle #aum #yogajourney #yogalover #heart

What is your heart's desire? On the Yoga Journey to #havasu supported by the presence of the ancient and grand #grandcanyon and the crystal clear aquamarine waterfalls the psyche split open as fully as this grace filled #hanumanasana by Joni Dittrich. When the mind is open to perceive the message of the heart, humans are unstoppable in the pursuit of purpose and heartfelt, meaningful lives. www.yoga-journeys.com#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #yogatransformation #yogaretreat #yogadaily #yogatravel #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #hanumanasana #yogachallenge #yogaoutdoors #yogainnature #nature #yogasoul #yogalife #yogalifestyle #aum #yogajourney #yogalover #heart