This is one happy belly. I’m surprised I’m still standing after all the culinary treats at Napa Valley Cooking School Spring feast. Thank you Chef B @thenapavalleycookingschool for the treat! We loved every bite. ….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalover #foodlover #yogalife #yogafun #belly #happybelly #yogagirl #yogalifestyle #napavalley #yogaeverywhere #yogafam #yogaeverydamnday #yogagram #instayoga #yogatime #yogaforlife #yogadaily #yogini #yogamom #yogi #yoga #yogalife #yogaforeveryone #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogapractice #culinary #yogis

This is one happy belly. I’m surprised I’m still standing after all the culinary treats at Napa Valley Cooking School Spring feast. Thank you Chef B @thenapavalleycookingschool for the treat! We loved every bite. ....#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalover #foodlover #yogalife #yogafun #belly #happybelly #yogagirl #yogalifestyle #napavalley #yogaeverywhere #yogafam #yogaeverydamnday #yogagram #instayoga #yogatime #yogaforlife #yogadaily #yogini #yogamom #yogi #yoga #yogalife #yogaforeveryone #yogateacher #yogainspiration #yogapractice #culinary #yogis