Once a month YOGA program with ULRIKA
Yoga rituals – a rite of passage for inner evolution with yoga. Spend one afternoon a month in the coming fall and winter months practicing yoga in a way that deeply honors the heart and the vital energy flow of the body. Each month our yoga group will meet up for a rite of passage to practice turn key yoga rituals intended to give our yoga practice deeper meaning and purpose as it connects with one’s personal inner evolution. Home assignements will be given monthly which will include asana, meditation, mudras, mantra, essential oils for creating sacred space, yoga journal dialogue and times in nature to connect our practices with the elements along with online meet up.
6 Sunday afternoons from 2-5 pm at Yoga Garden Studio in San Anselmo, CA
Oct 11: The evolution of the spine. Central nervous system balancing… learn the purpose and energetics of each vertebra and practices to balance and support each segment with asana, aroma touch, cranial and sacral holds. Our spine is key for evolving in sensory awareness.
Nov 15: Roll away your pain – active soft tissue healing and injury prevention and with asana practice on foam rollers and balls. Learn how to pre load muscles with therapeutic essential oils and how to melt into our soft tissues to practice loving kindness through the body. Life changing!
Dec 6: Peace offerings to the body and mind through asana, mudras, meditation and sacred ceremony to inspire inner communication and guidance in your yoga practice. Special 90 min segment on holding every moment sacred and accessing love on a cellular level by Gwenievere Maria.
Jan 24: Awaken your inner visionary. With the heart as the sun of our body’s inner solar system… Learn how to concentrate on the frequency emitted by the heart, as clearly as physical sensation felt in asana, to more clearly receive inner guidance and visions on and off the mat.
DATE TBA: Inner harmony is key to living a balanced life. Experience how different ways of breathing affect your balance and how being balanced, in your center of gravity alters the breath. Balance postures and breath practice combined with harmonious aum… for mental clarity as much as inner harmony.
DATE TBA: Yoga for strength and stable flexibility. Learn how to weave, strong muscle fibers that keep the joints of the body flexible and give free range of motion of the limbs. Stability without rigidity is the gift from being grounded in daily practice and self care.
COST: $375
TO REGISTER: Please email . A $100 deposit is required to hold your space.