Good morning…️ beginning our day with something that inspires and makes us feel good, a stretch, reading a quote, listening to a motivational talk, inhaling an essential oil, whatever it may be, do it. And make it a consistent, daily habit. If we don’t create habits by choice habits will choose us and they might not be the most empowering…In every moment we practice something. With Yoga I am choosing to live in my body in the most loving way and begin each day by opening to sky and bowing to the earth. Possibilities are endless when we live in the positive flow of gratitude, feeling a connection to the bigger player, our life force….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaretreat #yogainspiration #instayoga #inspiration #yogapractice #yogatime #yogadaily #yogaeveryday #iloveyoga #lovelovelove #namaste #om #aum #yogaeverywhere #yogalove #yogalover #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #begin