Thank you Tahiti ️ You’ve captured my heart and I surrender willingly… this remote island in French Polynesia is the softest place I’ve discovered on the planet. Thank you for showing me the French island way of life. ..@root_to_rise_official yoga pants! #yogajourneyswithulrika #ilovetahiti #iloveyoga #yogainspiration #yogajourney #yogapractice #yogateacher #yogapose #yogatime #yogatravel #yogaretreat #yogafun #yogadaily #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogalifestyle #yogalover #yogalife #yoga #namaste

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Guys have a great time at yoga too:) just look at Corey’s face. Couples, families, solo travelers. The Yoga Journeys I lead are as flexible and creative as the practice, and everyone has a ton of fun and downtime. ..#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogafun #yogafamily #yogacouple #yogafam #yogatime #yogaretreat #yogalover #yogapractice #yogainspiration #yogachallenge #yogajourney #travel #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalove #yogaeveryday #yogaeveryday #yogaday #yogaphotography #instayoga #iloveyoga

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Several mothers and daughters on the Yoga Journey to Tahiti / French Polynesia this year. I bring my daughter on most Yoga Journeys and have since she was born. She’s seen all corners of the world already at 14! @anj.calitess ️ Yoga like travel strengthens the bond with who ever your with, yourself, you partner, your child or friend. Sharing both Yoga and travel you’ve got it made for some really unique and special times:) Here’s @krmulcahy with Ember practicing Triangle in the sand…#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogamom #yogafun #yogaretreat #yogajourney #yogatime #yogainspiration #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogaeveryday #yoga #yogajourney #travel #travelblogger #yogalove #yogalover #yogaday #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #aum

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Want to develop trust? Try Headstand on a paddle board. It’s is more awakening than having the head in the sand, that’s for sure:) Big plus, the water in Tahiti is warm and forgiving so when not if you fall, all you feel is love. Disclaimer, don’t try this unless experienced at headstand on land:)! ..#yogajourneyswithulrika #goodmorning #headstand #paddleboarding #paddleboardyoga #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogafun #upsidedown #tahiti #yogapractice #yogaoutside #yogaoutdoors #yoga#yogalover #yogalove #yogaretreat #yogatravel #yogajourney #yogachallenge #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #aum

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I’m the happiest in nature, when practicing and teaching yoga, and at the end of a fulfilling day when I slip under comfy covers to drift into sleep. I love waking up in new places and different countries, opening my eyes and heart to the world. When I discover places that are truly special I return annually until the place becomes who I am. Right now French Polynesia is what’s feeding my soul and I am already booking a Yoga Journey return for 2018… stay tuned!#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalove #yogatime #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #yogaphotography #yogapractice #yogatravel #yogaretreat #yogalover #instayoga #iloveyoga #yogafun #yogaeveryday #yoga #yogapose #yogaday #yogaeverywhere #namaste

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Polynesians practice a much more fiery bridge pose than I ever have… Not sure this one is for me or any of the the Yoga Journeyers… I’m open to explore most things but drawing the line in the sand here! #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogafun #yogaretreat #travel #travelblogger #tahiti #yogainspiration #onfire #bridgepose #yogapractice #yogajourney #yogajournal #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogalove #yogapractice #yikes #yogalifestyle #firedance #yoga

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