Finishing the New Year’s Spa Yoga Day in the geothermal pools… warm water + yoga = happy bodies and peaceful hearts. Next Spa Yoga Day coming up is Saturday, Feb 3. Yes, you got it, I’m as much a Yoga temptress as I am a Yoga teacher:)…#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaday #spayogaday #yogatime #namaste #yogalife #yogalifestyle #livehealthy #lovelife #solage #spasolage #calistoga #yogalifestyle #yogavibes #relax #goodtimes #2018 #instayoga #om #aum 07.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Here we are continuing to ring in the New Year with a the Spa Yoga Day @solageresort. Intentions like backbends need to be practiced daily in order to manifest from dreams to reality, not just on the first day of the year:))! Namaste…#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaday #yogaretreat #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogafun #yogainspiration #yogaeverywhere #yogalove #yogalover #spasolage #spatime #iloveyoga #yogajourney #yogaeveryday #yogaprogress #yogapractice #yogapose 06.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
This is my office where I coordinate most of my Yoga Journeys. Yes, outside on my phone, with my dogs, rain or shine:). Nature has always been my muse. Ok, now and then I sit at my desk, but most gets done on foot. Off to lead the New Year’s Spa Yoga @solageresort now….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalife #yogalifestyle #office #iloveyoga #inspiration #yogainstructor #yogalover #lovelovelove #lovewhatyoudo #create #today #nature #yogatime #yogaday 06.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Day dreaming about practicing Yoga in the sun on this rainy day in Northern California… making dreams come true. Dates for returning to French Polynesia to lead a Yoga Journey are set for Dec 16-21, 2018 ️ Save your space now and you get in for last year’s price. $1,000 deposit and you are in ?! ..#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalife #yogaretreat #instayoga #yogalifestyle #yogalove #yogavideo #yogaphotography #yogatravel #yogatime #yogaeverywhere #yogalover #yogatime #iloveyoga #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogainspiration #yogaprogress #yogafit #yogafun #yogachallenge #yogadaily #yogafam #yogajourney #vinyasa #fly 06.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
The cutest little yogis in the making at @solageresort Mommy & Me Yoga. Adorable to see mini me’s practicing in mamas’ footsteps. So many goofy giggles:) We had the best time!#yogamom #yogaplay #yogafun #yogaforkids #yogalife #yogainspiration #yogalifestyle #iloveyoga #yogaforall #yogaeveryday #instayoga #yogafam #kids #giggles #fun #silly #goofballs 06.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Good morning…️ beginning our day with something that inspires and makes us feel good, a stretch, reading a quote, listening to a motivational talk, inhaling an essential oil, whatever it may be, do it. And make it a consistent, daily habit. If we don’t create habits by choice habits will choose us and they might not be the most empowering…In every moment we practice something. With Yoga I am choosing to live in my body in the most loving way and begin each day by opening to sky and bowing to the earth. Possibilities are endless when we live in the positive flow of gratitude, feeling a connection to the bigger player, our life force….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaretreat #yogainspiration #instayoga #inspiration #yogapractice #yogatime #yogadaily #yogaeveryday #iloveyoga #lovelovelove #namaste #om #aum #yogaeverywhere #yogalove #yogalover #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogaeverydamnday #begin 04.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
An ode to WATER … The warm water in French Polynesia is the clearest, most inviting ocean I’ve ever experienced. When I am in touch with the water element within myself I feel soft, fluid and trusting. As I practice yoga moving like water I become liquid inspiration that moves with gravity and breath, effort and ease. Water is what gives my mind texture by turning thoughts into feelings and palpable streams that lead into the portal of my heart. From water my Yoga practice begins and Yoga Journeys are born. Water is my liquid inspiration which makes my yoga practice an art of living. ..#yogajourneyswithulrika #water #odetowater #yogainspiration #liquidinspiration #iloveyoga #flow #yogalove #iloveyoga #yogatime #yogalover #namaste #yoga #yogaretreat #instayoga #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogafam #yogaforlife #ode #aum #yoga #live #lovelovelove #yogaeveryday #yogaoutside #trust #om 03.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Too naive? I don’t think so… as I see it our deeply held beliefs, conscious and subconscious, are to the mind what our skeleton and muscles are to the body. Add passion and purpose to the radiant confidence that comes from feeling and following the flow of positive energy… Negative energy is sticky, positive is magnetic. Good things are on their way. Do you believe it? Can you feel it?..#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #mindset #mindsetiseverything #believe #believeinyourself #yogalove #yogalover #intention #namaste #iloveyoga #purpose #confidence #yogatime #yogaeverydamnday #yogalifestyle #yogafam #yogalife #yogadaily #aum #om 02.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Beginning the New Year chanting Aummmmmm throughout the day… If you like to try it, notice what happens to your inhale after just one Aum / Om, then pay attention to the feeling after calling out a few more. After all, all mantras are a call and response… You give and you receive… and like with everything we get a feel for it by practicing. Happy New Beginnings everyone!?♀️ and big thank you to @aummann Aum Cellars for this beautifully handcrafted wine that’s made with such heartfelt devotion!..#yogajourneyswithulrika #newbeginnings #newyearsday #yogainspiration #aum#namaste #iloveyoga #instayoga #chant #mantra #winelover #sacredgeometry #sacredsound #yogatime #yogalover #yogalife #yogafun #yogaeveryday #yogafamily #instayoga #yogadaily 01.01.2018 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Our past is memories and the future is made up of dreams… As I visualize the universe, planets and our DNA moving in spirals I imagine the journey life wants to take me on for growth in 2018 and listen deeply for guidance and direction. We can ignore, resist or be ready to act. May 2018 bring clearer reception of inner guidance for all and the courage to act on it. Life is generous when received with open hearts…..#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogajourney #yogainspiration #yogalove #yogalover #iloveyoga #yogaphilosophy #yogatime #yogaeveryday #yogadaily #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogaeverywhere #yogaforlife #instayoga #yoga #aum #now #namaste #yogini #yogini #courage 31.12.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More