Sometimes we’ve got to dare fall flat on our face and do something out of our ordinary mode of operation. I know what I’m done with… certain things you just don’t need to repeat to learn over and over again. Ready for something else, there’s a fire in my belly. #yogajourneyswithulrika #fall #yogini #done #whynot #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogalove #fire #yogalife #yogalifestyle #why #howboutdat #questions #life #wonderland #hmm #gutfeeling #feel #dare #aha #gotit 19.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Thanksgiving Spa Yoga Day @solageresort is complete…full of gratitude as we all gave thanks to our bodies, health and simply being present moment by moment, conscious of how precious life is. #yogajourneyswithulrika #life #yogini #yogaday #yogajourney #yogalove #yogainspiration #aum #gratitude #healthylifestyle #yogalife #yogalifestyle #instayoga #yogaeverydamnday #yogaretreat #yogatravel #yogalover 19.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
TGIF Yoga practice @solageresort with @phiferpavittwine. We’ve traveled around the world ? on Yoga Journeys to Cuba, Iceland, Tahiti, Bali together and weekly for almost 10 Years at Solage in Calistoga, always lifting each other up. Cheers to empowering friendships! ️ #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogafriends #yogainspiration #yogapractice #instayoga #yogagirls #yogafun #yogalover #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogatribe #tgif #yogastudio #namaste 17.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Dreams stay dreams until transformed into reality by taking action. FULL THROTTLE is a necessary step to get off the ground and take off. Next, when soaring, spread the wings to coast on the currents of inspiration and gratitude to keep going with effortless ease…like in life, smiling helps:)) #yogajourneyswithulrika #dream #takeaction #takeoff #yogachallenge #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogalove #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogapose #yogaoutside #yogaretreat #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogapractice #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yoga 15.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Dive in head or feet first or simply stay put and face the waves? Every choice we make lead a different route through life not just this moment but also where we will be years from now. Trace a conscious choice you made a year ago and take a deeper look. Can you see how that one choice is affecting you today? #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogachallenge #yogaoutdoors #yogainspiration #yogadaily #choices #consciousness #yogaflow #yogaforlife #yogalife #yogalove #yogalifestyle #yogalover #yogavibes #yogafitness #yogafamily 14.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
We rise thanks to the sun, stand tall thanks to the earth and stay healthy thanks to the plants that feed and protect us… Yoga helps us remember the bigger picture and the part we play in it. Here’s @gaylegura practicing in Joshua Tree after our fabulous weekend in Palm Springs with @drmariza Amplify retreat sharing the wisdom and medicine from plants in the form of @doterrascience #essentialoils#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaretreat #joshuatree #yogainspiration #doterra #yogalover #yogalife #yogalifestyle #instayoga #yogadaily #yogaeverywhere #yogaoutdoors #yogaforlife #essence #gratitude 13.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Upping the vibration among the majestic Palm Trees in Palm Springs. Their presence a quality of peace I haven’t inhaled before, curiously quiet, wise and ancient feeling. #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #yogaeverywhere #yogafun #yogalife #yogalove #yogaoutdoors #palmtrees #yogaeverydamnday #yogadaily #yogalifestyle #yogajourney #yogajournal #instayoga #yoga #aum 12.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Another moment in the “Spec of dust” Yoga series inspired by practicing with or next to something grand in nature that humbles the mind and inspires the heart to appreciate each moment for what it is. What would it be like to practice embodying a mindset that sets the life force free to be as creative and powerful in our bodies and minds as it is in nature?#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #question #arches #now #yogaoutdoors #instayoga #yogaeveryday #yogaretreat #yogatravel #yogalover #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogadaily #yogafam #thoughts #yogalove #yogaforlife #aum 09.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
Being humbled by nature is healthy for the ego, aware of being a spec of dust in this vast universe. From that angle of perception our light shines unobstructed by limiting thoughts. #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogajourney #yogaretreat #yogainspiration #yogalife #yogalove #yogaoutdoors #yogalifestyle #perception #humble #nature #yogalover #yogagram #instayoga #namaste #aum 08.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More
I believe how we end things create our new beginnings… letting go of what no longer serve us is as life affirming as opening more to what we love. HOW is the key and the key for me is acting, speaking and moving from courage, curiosity, kindness and generosity. When stuck, I ask what would curiosity do? Courage? Kindness? Generosity? And then wait and see what happens next… #yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaeverywhere #canyonlands #yoga #yogaoutside #yogaoutdoors #yogainspiration #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogainnature #instayoga #letgo #now #courage #generosity #kindness #curiosity 07.11.2017 Blog 0 Likes Read More