Kicking back @esalen, enjoying an extra day off after teaching the weekend “Breakthrough into You” Yoga Journey. And breakthroughs we had… and we will continue breaking through for months from this time together, that I know. 46 devoted yogis and yoginis intent on staying open and receptive to the offerings of the practice is a potent soul soup to ingest. Add Esalen to the mix and what’s ready to wake up will. #breakonthroughtotheotherside ….#yogajourneyswithulrika #esalen #bigsur #yogaretreat #yogajourney #yogalover #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogalove #yogateacher #yogainstructor #yogainspiration #yogini #yogi #yogisofinstagram #instayoga #yogafam #yogadaily #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yoga #yogapractice #yogaphotography #yogamom #yogatravel #yogafam #yogapose #yogajournal #yogaforlife

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Making playlists on the lawn of inspiration @esalen for the “Breakthrough into YOU Yoga Journey” this weekend.First step: Pay Attention to what you pay attention to… more laters alligators….#yogajourneyswithulrika #esalen #travelblogger #attention #yogalove #yogalover #yogaretreat #yogateacher #yogajourney #yogapractice #yogini #yogisofinstagram #yogainspiration #yogainstructor #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogafam #yoga #yogagram #yogaeveryday #yogadaily #yogaeverywhere #namaste #yogi #yogaforlife #yogafun #yogagirl #yogatime #yogis

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Squeaky clean and happy like a seal at Esalen, Big Sur:) Had the hot springs to myself this afternoon while workshops were in progress. Going incógnito until the Yoga Journey begins tomorrow evening… I’m already at full charge…..#yogajourneyswithulrika #esalen #bigsur #yogaretreat #yogajourney #yogalove #yogalover #yogafam #yogafun #yogainspiration #yogatravel #yogateacher #yogini #yogisofinstagram #yogaeveryday #yogaeverywhere #yogalife #yogalifestyle #namaste #yogapractice #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogaforeveryone #yogaforlife #yoga #yogi #yogagirl #yogagram

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Almost in Big Sur… it always comes back to it’s the journey, not the destination. Loving this day as I’m mentally preparing to teach the “Breakthrough to You” Yoga workshop @esalen and am flooded by inspiration and instruction while driving. The ocean is the chorus of the language I speak when I am teaching…….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogainspiration #ocean #travelblogger #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogatime #yogatravel #yogaretreat #yogafam #yogini #yogaeveryday #yogafun #yogalove #yogalover #yoga #yogisofinstagram #esalen #yogapractice #inspiration #inspire #yogaretreat #yogajourney #journey #yogis #yogadaily #yogaeverywhere #yogaeverydamnday #namaste

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Adyashanti piercing through my waking hour. I love slow mornings when I can sip my matcha green tea latte and ponder thoughts that lead to questions instead of answers and ultimately deeper listening… now off to teach yoga @solageresort before working with private clients. Ommmmm……….#yogajourneyswithulrika #adyashanti #meditation #thoughts #insight #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogi #yogini #yoga #yogatravel #yogatravel #yogaretreat #retreat #yogaeverywhere #yogaeveryday #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogalover #yogajourney #yogisofinstagram #instayoga #namaste #om #aum #yogapractice #yogainstructor #yogalove #yogagram

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Practicing Yoga is a lovely way to hug and respect ourselves. I’m choosing to take a couple of solo quiet days to be with me before expanding my heart to 50 fabulous yogis and yoginis coming to the “Breakthrough to You” Yoga workshop I’m teaching at Esalen, Bug Sur this weekend. Remember to hug yourself before anyone else… after all the love we live is the quality of love we give and receive. …. @root_yoga yoga pants#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogaretreat #retreat #yogalove #yogalover #yogajourney #yogateacher #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #esalen #yogini #yogagirl #yogisofinstagram #yogi #instayoga #lovelovelove #hug #yogalife #yogalifestyle #yogacommunity #yogafam #yogainspiration #yogainstructor #yogaeverywhere #yoga #yogaforlife #yogagram #yogapants

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Confidence doesn’t compete, it shines and uplifts oneself and others. When we follow the urge of our inner guidance, trip, fall and get back up, we lose the fear of failing and gain the greatest gift of all, an unshakable trust in our resilient, humble self. In that space emotions give us energy because they are unblocked, energy is flowing because we are in the flow of that which gives us life and we gain trust in our connection with life. That inner confidence blows fear out of the water with it’s sexy, vibrant freshness. So go for it, follow the urge, it’s humbling and ahhhmazing!…#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogajourney #trust #guidance #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #yogapractice #yogalove #yogafam #yogafun #yoga #yogagram #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #yogatravel #yogaretreat #yogainspiration #yogateacher #yogacommunity #yogafam #yogachallenge #yogaeveryday #yogainstructor #yogini #yogi #yogalover #yogalifestyle #namaste

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There is something about the lawn at Esalen in Big Sur that opens the portal of inner guidance for me… next steps become clear and unstoppable. I come here every May to teach Yoga workshops and every time Esalen gives me the greatest gifts, inspiration and courage to follow my dreams and inner guidance. Here’s to sitting on the lawn listening…….#yogajourneyswithulrika #yogalover #esalen #yogaretreat #yogaworkshop #yogateacher #yogajourney #yogafun #yogainspiration #bigsur #yogalifestyle #yogalife #yogalove #yogaeverywhere #yogafam #yogaeveryday #yogapractice #yogacommunity #instayoga #yogisofinstagram #yoga #yogini #travelblogger #yogatime #yogatravel #yoga #yogagirl #yogi

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