

Ulrika Engman, E-RYT 500, is a certified yoga teacher and Halprin Life Art practitioner, graduate of Tamalpa Institute and founder of Yoga Journeys, an international travel company, 1999 – present. Born in Sweden, she came to Los Angles, CA in 1991 to study psychology and dance. That same year Ulrika discovered Yoga at Yoga Works in Santa Monica and has been a dedicated yoga practitioner ever since.


Along with leading six – eight annual Yoga Journeys worldwide at top notch, sacred destinations like Bali, Mexico, Peru, Iceland, Greece, Sweden, Egypt and Morocco, Ulrika leads popular Spa Yoga Days locally in the Napa Valley at Solage resort in Calistoga and at Stanly Ranch in Carneros. Ulrika also teaches annual yoga workshops at Esalen Institute in Big Sur and Sacred Sundays yoga practice online.


Ulrika’s fluid style of teaching yoga is inspired by her background in psycho-somatic movement, anatomy, expressive arts and dance. A lover of movement, breath, body and spirit, Ulrika combines the transformative power of Yoga with metaphors of nature, inspirational anecdotes and uplifting insights from yoga philosophy and various wisdom traditions. Many say a class with Ulrika is never the same, every yoga practice is creative, strengthening and inspiring and postures are woven together in innovative

sequences that follow breath and music along the energy lines of body and mind.


“Join the Yoga Journey” and check it out for yourself. Also visit: www.facebook.com/yogajourneyswithulrika


See you on the mat!





